With more and more speed radars on our roads, one can only wonder when the time comes, when the speed of the car, as well as its destination, will be controlled centrally by the government (or some private subsidized corporation). Before this not so science fiction scenario becomes our everyday reality, the ordinary citizens are left with little, but a speed camera detector, to try to avoid hefty fines for speeding tickets.
There are many questions that arise when one decides to purchase a speed camera detector. I will try to answer only one and that is how you can find the best speed camera detector for you.
First, go check your local store and see what is available there or do a search on the Internet. Going to a local store that carries speed camera detectors is definitely a good choice. My reasoning for going to a physical store is mainly to see the product. Sure, I can see a picture on the Internet, but for me, this is not the same as being able to actually touch the product, see the packaging, etc. Yet, when it comes to information about the product then, in my opinion, the Internet search is your best bet. You can get initial information in the store, but on the Internet you can search both for information that is given to you by people who try to sell to you (including the company that made the product), as well as for information that comes from the users themselves.
Information from sellers and producers is valuable, but obviously, in most cases, this information is a little bias. Still, I regularly search first for the information from the biggest online sellers and a producer, as this is the best way to find out about technical details of the product.
Once I know what brand and model fits the best to my needs, I go and research the customers' opinions on big sites like Amazon, for instance. Then I have a really good idea what I can expect from the product, but the last piece of the puzzle for me is to search the blogs and forums where people discuss their actual experiences with the given product without having anything in stake. What I mean is that most people on those blogs and forums are not selling anything, so their opinions are not financially motivated.
It is true that often you find very opposing opinions, and obviously, the judgment is up to you. If you see 50 well-written positive comments on one product on several blogs and 10 not so well written, than the chances are the product is good, but there might exist some issues with the product you might want to investigate more. For instance, most people might "love" a particular brand and model, but there are few who do not like some feature such as the led lights are blue instead of red (you get the idea).
Once you find the brand and model of speed camera detector you like the most, all you have to do before buying it is to look for the place where to buy it. Usually the Internet stores will have better prices due to the fact they have much lower operating cost. Once you find several online stores that sell what you want, just make sure you read through their terms and conditions and their return policy. It also helps to find out how long the store has been in business (the longer the better) and what kind of technical support they provide. Often the best price does not mean the best buy. Sometimes paying few bucks more can save you hassles later when issues with warranty or technical support come up.
If you have done your search thoroughly, you should be able to avoid most of your potential speeding tickets (there is never a 100% guarantee), as there are several speed-camera-detectors on the market today that offer very unique features and strong protection against being clocked.
Tags : Health and Personal Care Tom Tom GPS HP Pavilion Laptop Review
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