Saturday, November 6, 2010

Are Radar Detectors Illegal to Use in Your Vehicle?

Using a car radar detector is beneficial for many reasons as it can help to prevent a speeding ticket which can easily cost hundreds of dollars. However, there are many individuals that still do not make the purchase as they are afraid of getting caught with one. Fortunately, such devices are legal in some countries so you would just need to do your research ahead of time.

Some agencies are able to detect whether a radar detector is being used and can easily pull you over even if you were not breaking the law. Some brands such as Escort offer models that are immune to detection so these can especially come in handy if you are worried about getting caught. For the most part, such devices are legal in some cities and states across the United States.

In some cities of Virginia and also the District of Columbia, using radar detectors are illegal which can result in a fine or even confiscation if you are caught. Obviously you wouldn't want this to happen as these products cost several hundred dollars. As long as you careful about when and how you use it, you should be okay for the most part.

However, you should avoid using radar jammers as they are illegal to use for obvious reasons since they jam radar guns in the area. Getting caught with one can result in some serious legal consequences so it's best not to use one unless you know what you are doing. Instead of purchasing one, just consider slowing down as speeding can result in serious penalties.

Before you purchase a radar detector, just be sure to do more research to determine whether they are legal in your state or not. If you are still worried, then consider getting an Escort Passport 8500 which is immune to radar detection. Keep in mind that even if you buy one of these devices, you should still drive carefully as there are reasons why there is a speed limit across the country.

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