Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Best Radar Detector - Not All Radar Detectors Are Created Equal!

Whether you are a certified lead foot or you just live in an area with lots of enforcement cameras, it only takes one ticket to get you thinking about how to prevent this from happening in the future. Trying to find the best radar detector is probably a good idea since it can save you from future costly violations. One ticket saved will pay for the cost of a good device. Before moving on, you should know that the best radar detector will not guarantee that you will be safe from future tickets. It can greatly even the playing field or even tilt it in your favor, depending on the technology that law enforcement uses in your area. Here are some things you should know in order to select the best radar detector.

1- Radar technology is not the same as laser technology. This is important since you need a device that can protect you against both. Laser is a targeted infrared beam that is very focused and difficult to detect. Radar is a radio wave that spreads far and wide and is therefore easier to detect. regardless, you need a detector that is tuned to both technologies.

2- Newer radar guns are able to check speeds of vehicles in front and behind. This makes them a favorite of patrol vehicles. because of this, it is extremely important to have 360 degree detection. Make sure that the best radar detector that you select can cover you from all angles.

3-Don't forget your X, K and Ka. Police radar works on 3 bands: X, K and Ka. The X band is old but still used by some garage door openers ad security systems. K and Ka are the most common. Ka is very difficult to detect, and this is the band that causes radar detectors the most headaches, resulting in tickets for the unsuspecting driver. You want the best radar detector that is sensitive to these bands but not so sensitive that it will be triggered by every false signal out there.

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